Industry-leading Software to Manage &
Grow your Mobile Marketing Experience
Welcome to Lapture Systems

Industry-leading Software to Manage & Grow your Mobile Marketing Experience
Welcome to Lapture Systems

The Mobile Revolution is already here...

But 9 out of 10 customers are lost due to a lower mobile-friendly Website Experience

If you've landed here then you understand that the barrier for your business is creating a Mobile Experience and a dynamic sales process to attract, engage and foster a relationship with your customers. With statistics as high as 90% for mobile traffic, providing this to your customers is now a necessity.

Combine your sales processes and Lapture's app logic to create dynamic Mobile Experiences to delight your customers through each step.

Lapture's Flagship Marketing Chains™ are a series of Events set up for the mobile customer to be taken through.

Without any need for coding knowledge, configure Events to create your mobile app based on your sales process.

Share your branded app using a link, immediately available to view on social media apps and search engines before installing to the customer's home screen.

Lapture's Media Production Software...

Showcases your brand in the best possible light with the top Content Creators at your fingertips

Take advantage of our Media Production Software managed by your LSC at Lapture, in order to stimulate and visually engage your customers with your products and services.

Every business, from a coffee shop to a boutique clothing brand, will require some form of advertising for business growth. Your LSC will help you find the right local talent to meet your advertising needs: whether you need a super slick promo video about your brand, a stunning app icon or a social media campaign which requires setting up.

Direct Messaging Software...

Connects your business on a personal level with your customers 24/7

Utilise the value of mobile marketing and connect with your customers in a personal and intimate way. Reach an almost immediate response from your customers with Lapture's direct messaging service.

Lapture’s strategy of mobile messaging reduces operational costs, whilst also being more effective than paid services like email marketing.

E-Learning Training Programmes...

Are building better support with on-demand E-Learning resources

E-Learning creates a huge opportunity for business success. With the constant impact of technological advances and new features added in Lapture Software, it’s more important than ever to teach yourself, your employees and team, new processes and knowledge from the training steps to maximise your online reach.

E-Learning training courses are created in a step-by-step format and designed to be simple with videos, numbered steps and learning objectives.

The Next Level in Content Management Systems...

Designed to optimise business efficiency

Your Content Management System is essentially software that helps you to manage digital content created through Lapture software suites. Using this simple system, you can easily edit, delete, search and archive your mobile app orders, discounts and tickets. Your CMS manages E-Learning tickets and Media Projects in addition to providing business data analytic tools.

Through using CMS Privileges, you can delegate employees the task of picking, approving and delivering orders and marking discounts and tickets as used.

Analytic Data Tools...

Designed to enhance the efficiency of your business operations

Analytics give your business clarity about how consumers are receiving and reacting to your brand. Gain valuable insights into your Social Media posts; what customers are buying; how long items are spending in the checkout or being processed for; promotions; offers; net, gross and daily income, to name a few.

Collecting this business data allows you to get a visual view into your customers' behaviour and build Marketing Chains from a new perspective, designed to maximise your sales.

Team Collaboration in Mind...

Brings the Team Leader, Content Creator and Customer together

Collaboration pulls together all of the different software which comprises Lapture, providing a powerful hub for teamwork. Through this software, LSCs, the Business User and the Content Creator are all able to collaborate on the same project, as each user has individual access from their own personal dashboard.

We answer your questions

  • 🙋‍♀️ Can I change LSCs?

    Yes, you can change LSCs if you wish. We'd always recommend trying to work out a solution with your current LSC before switching but if you do change LSCs, you can keep all of your projects and Marketing Chains that you produced whilst under the management of your previous LSC.

  • 🙋‍♂️ Can I recommend a Content Creator to other Business Subscribers?

    Yes you sure can. Once you've given your recommendation, the Business Subscriber will have to mention it to their LSC so that they can have the desired Content Creator working on their project.

  • 🙋‍♀️ I have made my Marketing Chain live but I need to make a couple of small changes. How do I do this?

    To make any changes to your Marketing Chain, we would recommend putting your application into Maintenance Mode. From here, you can make changes to any of the Events within your Marketing Chain.

  • 🙋‍♀️ Can I use several Marketing Chains for my business?

    Of course, that's the concept behind Lapture and we recommend that you use several Marketing Chains to take full advantage of Lapture's software. You should structure your sales plan into individual Marketing Chains, for example, you can have a separate Marketing Chain for your products, support and terms and conditions.

  • 🙋‍♂️ I'm a business and I haven't been entered into a Collaboration Team for an upcoming project. What should I do?

    As the business owner, you set the project in motion when you requested your Media Order, but you may not be able to view the Project Collaboration Panel until your LSC or the designated Content Creator starts the project. Once the LSC or Content Creator officially starts the project, you will have full access to the project’s Collaboration Panel and be able to see updates on the progress of your project.

  • 🙋‍♀️ Can I change my Marketing Chain Subscription Plan?

    Yes you can change your Marketing Chain Subscription Plan if you wish. However, if you want to keep your content and the Marketing Chains you've already created, you can't change to a Subscription Plan that has values that are lower than your previous Subscription Plan.

  • 🙋‍♂️ How can I hire a Content Creator?

    Essentially, you don't! Our Content Creators work on behalf of our Lapture Systems Coordinators. If you'd like to work with a specific Content Creator for your project, the LSC can formally request them on your behalf.

  • 🙋‍♂️ I have met with an LSC and want them to manage my Subscription Plan. How can I do this?

    The quickest way to do this is to ask for the LSC's Affiliate Link so that they can manage your Subscription Plan. Once you've clicked on their Affiliate Link, you will be able to access their available Subscription Plans.