Docs > Content Creators & Editor Privileges > Editor Privileges > Enable Disable And Setup Editor Privileges

Editor Privileges

How to Grant Editor Privileges to Employees & Content Creators

The Business Account Holder is able to grant Editor Privileges to their employees and to a Content Creator. Users with Editor Privileges have the ability to write, edit, publish and delete posts on behalf of the Business Account Holder.

The Business Account Holder can grant Editor Privileges if a Content Creator needed access to a Marketing Chain in order to complete a project, or if an employee needed Editor Privileges to scan discounts or mark items as “picked”.

The Business Account Holder can grant each individual editor different permissions to access individual divisions of the Business Campaigner Account.

On behalf of the Business Account Holder, editors can:

  1. Process orders and deliveries using Quick Response on Lapture App.
  2. View Analytics in Lapture App.
  3. Post to the Business' Profile in Lapture App.
  4. Collaborate on Media Projects in Lapture Systems.
  5. Read and write Mobile Shop Orders in Lapture Systems and Lapture App.
  6. Read and write Promotional and Access Codes in Lapture Systems and Lapture App.
  7. Read and write to customers through Direct Messaging.
  8. Read and write Marketing Chains in Lapture Systems.

Requirements for creating Editor Privileges:

  1. Business Campaigner Account (Admin)
  2. Browsing Account (The Editor)
  3. A smartphone with Lapture App installed.

Following a Business

To follow a business, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Login to the individual’s account who you wish to become the editor. This must be a Browsing Account.
  2. Visit this URL: Replace business-username with the business user.
  3. Locate and click the “Connect” button to follow the business.

If you are already connected to the business, you will see a “Disconnect” button, do not click it, you need to be connected in order to access Editor Privileges.

Enabling Privileges

To enable privileges, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to the Business Campaigner Account.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Connections”.
  3. Locate the connection that you wish to grant Editor Privileges to, by clicking the card of the desired connection.
  4. Under the Profile Picture, locate and click the “Editor Privilege” button. The page will change to show the roles that you can assign to the editor.

Viewing Privileges as an Editor: Web

To view privileges on the web, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to the Browsing Account to which you just assigned the privilege.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Editor Privileges”.
  3. From here, you can see the roles that have been assigned to you as an editor.

Viewing Privileges as an Editor: App

To view privileges on the Lapture App, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Open Lapture App on your smartphone.
  2. Locate and click the “Cloud” icon.
  3. Under your Account Assets, scroll across to the end, locate and click the “Business” tab.
  4. From here, you can see the roles that have been assigned to you as an editor.