Docs > Dashboards > Accounts > First Time Account Access

First-Time Account Access

How to complete mandatory first-time account access

When you first access your Lapture Systems account via the website (, first-time account information is mandatory for the operation of your account.

In order to complete your first-time account access, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Browsing Account, Business Campaigner Account or LSC (Lapture Systems Coordinator) Account before moving onto step 2.
  2. Upload a Profile Image by locating and clicking the “Choose File” button. If you are a Business Account Holder, you will also need to select a Profile Cover Image.
  3. In the input field “Your first name”, enter your first name.
  4. In the input field “Your last name”, enter your last name.
  5. From the drop-down lists, select your date of birth including the birth-day, birth-month and birth-year.
  6. Enter your email address in the input field “Email”.
  7. In the input field “Contact Telephone Mobile / Landline”, enter your preferred contact number.
  8. In the input field “First line of address”, enter the first line of your address.
  9. In the input field “Second line of address”, enter the second line of your address.
  10. In the input field "Town", enter your town.
  11. Select your city from the drop-down list.
  12. In the input field “Postcode”, enter your postcode.
  13. If you are registering as a Business Account Holder, we will also ask for you to create a description about your business. This will be displayed on your Lapture Profile.

    If you are registering as an LSC, we will ask for your preferred payment account to send you your commissions.

  14. Locate and click the “Update Records” button and you will be taken to your dashboard.

The system will notify you in the form of a blue tick if the information is correct and a red cross if changes need to be made.

If you receive a red validation notification, follow the steps on the screen, then locate and click the “Update Records” button again. You will be presented with your dashboard.