Docs > Support > E-Learning > E Learning For Lscs

E-Learning for LSCs

How to provide E-Learning Resources

Providing E-Learning resources is part of the role an LSC will fulfil. LSCs will provide E-Learning lessons to help Business Subscribers to navigate Lapture and its mobile marketing features. E-Learning lessons will be intuitive, easy to follow and well documented and can be anything from Media Production support to specific help creating Events for a Marketing Chain. E-Learning lessons should be accessible for Business Subscribers. As part of the Business Subscriber’s Subscription Plan, the LSC will need to provide free E-Learning resources and can also provide a Premium E-Learning Subscription.

For example, Premium E-Learning Subscriptions could provide more in-depth support for Lapture’s mobile marketing technology.

How to Add an E-Learning Lesson

To add an E-Learning lesson for your Business Subscribers, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your LSC dashboard.

  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “E-Learning”.
  3. In the left side bar, locate and click “Add Resources”.
  4. Locate and click “Create Learning Resource +” on the right-hand side of the screen and you will be presented with a dropdown of input fields.
  5. Upload your desired Cover Image by locating and clicking the “Browse” button. You will be presented with a preview of your Cover Image. This will be the thumbnail of your E-Learning Lesson.
  6. In the input field “Title”, type in your E-Learning lesson title.
  7. In the text-area “Description”, type in a description of the E-Learning lesson and what your Business Subscribers will learn in the lesson.
  8. Upload your desired E-Learning video by locating and clicking the “Browse” button and selecting the relevant file.
  9. Remember to attach your files in MP4 format. The maximum file size is.

  10. Use the play and pause buttons to create steps within your E-Learning lesson. Pause the video to create each key learning step for your Business Subscribers.
  11. To create a step, locate and click the “Create Step” button. This will generate a step section to complete in the right-hand side of the E-Learning Lesson Builder.
  12. In the input field “Title”, enter the title of the learning step.
  13. In the text-area “Description”, enter the description of the step just described in the E-Learning video. The time-marker of the step is automatically set where you have paused the video.
  14. The steps of your E-Learning video will be generated in chronological order, according to the time-marker of the step.

  15. Repeat steps 9-12 until you have created all required steps in your E-Learning lesson.
  16. Select the plan type for the E-Learning Resource.
  17. Locate and click “Publish Learning Resource” once you are happy with your modifications.

If you receive a red validation notification, follow the steps on-screen then locate and click “Publish Learning Resource” to continue.

E-Learning Tickets

If a Business Subscriber watches an LSC's E-Learning lesson and they are still struggling with some of the instructions, the Business Subscriber can get in contact directly with the LSC by creating a ticket. When a Business Subscriber creates a ticket, they can talk directly with their LSC to get additional support with the E-Learning topic in question.

To view all E-Learning tickets, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your LSC dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “E-Learning”.

  3. In the left side bar, locate and click “E-Learning Tickets”. You will be presented with all tickets from your E-Learning lessons.
  4. To view any E-Learning ticket, locate and click “Attend MSG” in the desired ticket and you will be presented with a Direct Messaging thread with the Business Subscriber.
  5. To respond to a Business Subscriber’s ticket, type your desired ticket message into the input field. Locate and click the arrow to send your ticket.

Deleting E-Learning Tickets

To delete an E-Learning ticket, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in E-Learning Tickets before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the box of the E-Learning Ticket(s) you wish to delete.
  3. Locate and click the “Delete Selected” button to delete all selected E-Learning Tickets.

Once you delete an E-Learning ticket, it cannot be recovered.

Viewing Uploaded E-Learning Lessons

To view all your E-Learning lessons, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in How to Add an E-Learning Lesson before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left side bar, locate and click “View all Lessons”.
  3. You will be presented with all of your E-Learning lessons created on Lapture. To view any lesson, click the thumbnail of the video you wish to view, and it will open in a new window.

Editing E-Learning Lessons

To edit an E-Learning lesson, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in How to Add an E-Learning Lesson before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left side bar, locate and click “View All Lessons”.
  3. You will be presented with all of your E-Learning lessons created on Lapture. To edit any E-Learning lesson, hover over the card of the desired lesson and locate and click the “Edit” button.
  4. You will be presented with the E-Learning Resource Builder. Follow the steps in How to Add an E-Learning Lesson to edit the necessary fields of your E-Learning lesson.
  5. Locate and click “Update” to save any changes made to your E-Learning Resource.

Deleting E-Learning Lessons

To delete an E-Learning lesson, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in How to Add an E-Learning Lesson before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left side bar, locate and click “View all Lessons”.
  3. You will be presented with all of your E-Learning lessons on Lapture. To delete any E-Learning lesson, hover over the card of the desired lesson and locate and click the “Delete” button.

Once you delete an E-Learning lesson, it cannot be recovered.