Docs > Media Production > Content Creators > Media Production For Content Creators

Media Production for Content Creators

How to become a Content Creator and use the features of your Micro-Dashboard

This support document provides information on Lapture’s Media Production Software for Content Creators. This information is specifically targeted at Content Creators.

This support document will tell you how to become a Content Creator, use features of your Content Creator Micro-Dashboard and upload assets to the Marketplace for LSCs to use.

The sections of this support document include:

Becoming a Content Creator

To use Lapture's Media Production Software, be added to Collaboration Teams and complete Media Orders for Business Subscribers, Browsing Account Holders need to apply to be a Content Creator. A Content Creator application must be successful in order for a Browsing Account Holder to access Lapture's Media Production Software and there are several layers to the application process.

To activate the Content Creator tab in your Dashboard and complete the application process, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Open a Browsing Account.
  2. Send us an email at to receive your Content Creator Welcome Pack.
  3. The email you send to must be the email address you used to register at in step 1.

  4. After following the instructions in the Welcome Pack, send us your completed application forms to
  5. If your application was successful, you will now see a new tab in the left navigation of your Dashboard named “Content Creators”.

Depending on your application process, you may need to complete a second layer to activate the Content Creator tab in your Dashboard.

To complete the second layer of your application process, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation at the bottom, click “My Account”.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and switch on the “Create Content” tab.
  4. Locate and click the “Update Records” button and the Content Creator tab will appear in the left navigation.

Uploading Assets to the Marketplace

Content Creators can upload their Media Assets to the Marketplace for potential collaboration with Lapture Systems Coordinators. All fields need completing in order for an asset to be successfully uploaded to the Marketplace.

Each Media Asset will undergo an approval process before it is shown to LSCs. Content Creators will receive a notification on their dashboard regarding Lapture Systems' decision on the Media Asset.

To upload Media Assets to the Marketplace, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “Content Creator” tab in the left navigation.
  3. Locate and click the “Create New Content” button. The Asset Types will be presented as options.
  4. Choose your desired asset type and click the “Upload” button to open the new modal window.
  5. Upload a “Cover Image”. We recommend 660 x 440. The minimum image size is 330 x 220.
  6. In the input field “Title”, insert the title of your Media Asset.
  7. In the input field “Project Hours”, estimate the length of time this project will take to complete, including approving and reviewing any errors.
  8. In the input field “Description”, explain the Media Asset in detail.
  9. Add a Showcase File. You will only be given choice of File Types that suit your chosen media. The relevant file types are presented below the “Browse” button for your convenience.
  10. Add a Developer Note. Here, you must upload a PDF file that contains notes to explain where the Media Work Editable Files are stored (your local server, Lapture Cloud etc...), any terms of agreement regarding the Media Work (MIT Licencing, Lapture Standard Media Licence etc…), contact details and a URL of the original Designer and/or Freelancers of the Media Work. This should all be contained in one PDF file.
  11. Locate and click the “Save and Upload Asset” button.

If you receive a red validation notification, follow the steps on screen then locate and click the “Save and Upload Asset” button again. You will now be presented with the confirmation notification, informing you that your asset has been uploaded.

Accessing Uploaded Assets

Once a Content Creator has uploaded their Media Asset, they can edit, activate, disable or remove it. Once a Media Asset has been approved, LSCs will be able to view a Content Creator's Asset in the Marketplace.

To access uploaded Media Assets, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing Dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “Content Creator” tab in the left navigation.
  3. Locate and click the “My Assets” button.
  4. You will now be presented with the page that displays all of your Uploaded Media Assets. Use the links on the left navigation bar to refine your Asset Type.

From here you can also do the following:

Editing Assets

Once a Media Asset has been uploaded to the Marketplace, it can be edited at any time. All changes will be saved to the Media Asset instantly, however the Media Asset must be reapproved by Lapture Systems before it becomes available again on the Marketplace. Content Creators must take this approval time into consideration when editing their Media Assets.

To edit an uploaded Media Asset, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Accessing Uploaded Assets before moving onto step 2.
  2. Choose your desired Media Asset and locate and click the “Edit” button.
  3. Here, you can edit all fields relating to your uploaded Media Assets. See the section Uploading Assets to the Marketplace.
  4. Once you are happy with your modifications, locate and click the “Update” button. Your changes will be saved.
  5. Your Media Asset will become inactive after editing. Lapture Systems will have to reapprove your Media Asset before it can be activated again.

Updating the Status of a Media Asset

At any time, you can disable, activate or remove a Media Asset before or after the Media Asset has been accepted or declined by Lapture Systems.

In some cases, it could take a few attempts before your Media Asset is successfully activated by Lapture Systems. To ensure your Media Asset is not delayed in the approval process, particularly during seasonal events, it is advised to submit your Media Asset for approval as soon as possible.

Once your Media Asset has been approved, you can set your own timescale to decide when LSCs can see the Media Asset in the Marketplace. To do this, you can make use of Lapture’s “Disable” feature which allows you to hide Media Assets until you would like them to be seen.

To enable or disable a Media Asset, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Accessing Uploaded Assets before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate the Media Asset that you would like to Disable / Enable.
  3. Hover or click the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the Media Asset Card.
  4. The “Enable/Disable” button will be presented in the Header Section of the Media Asset Card.
  5. A notification will be presented to show that the Media Asset has now been enabled/disabled. LSCs will not be able to see this Media Asset in the Marketplace until it is enabled again.

Approval Process of a Media Asset

Once your Media Asset has been uploaded by following the steps in Uploading Assets to the Marketplace, one of Lapture Systems Moderators will activate or decline your Media Asset.

Follow our guide on:

Responding to the Decline of a Media Asset

If the Media Asset has been declined, part of the role of Lapture Systems Moderators is to inform you through your registered email of the rationale behind declining the Media Asset.

To rectify your Media Asset, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Implement the changes provided in the email in order to rectify your Media Asset.
  2. Follow the steps provided in the Editing Assets section to edit the relevant aspects of your Media Asset.

Updating your Content Creator Profile

When an LSC assigns a Content Creator to their Business Subscribers’ Projects, the Business Subscriber can explore more information about the Content Creator, including a description of their background and experience, previous work positions held, contact details and work experience.

In order for your Assets to be picked by an LSC, make sure you have a detailed Content Creator Profile.

To complete or update your Content Creator Profile, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing Dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “Content Creator” tab in the left navigation.
  3. Locate and click the “Settings” button.
  4. In the input field “Hourly Salary Expectations”, fill in your hourly salary expectations for your time on the project. Salary Expectations are merely a guide for the LSC.
  5. In the input field “Work Position”, provide the title that best describes your work position. This could be “Graphic Designer”, “Freelance Graphic Designer” or a “Graphic Designer at X company”.
  6. In the input field “Work Experience”, list your previous employment history separated by a comma. For example, “Company A, Company B, Company C”.
  7. In the input field “Work Contact Number”, provide your work contact number for LSCs and Business Subscribers to contact you directly.
  8. In the input field “About You”, describe in detail about you, your achievements, qualifications and any other relevant information to complete your Content Creator Profile.
  9. Locate and click the “Save” button and you will be presented with a notification to inform you that your account has been updated. If you receive a red validation notification, follow the steps on the screen, then locate and click the “Save” button again. You will now be presented with the green notification, confirming that your Content Creator profile has been updated.

LSC Team Requests

In order for an LSC to include you in a Collaboration Project, you must activate and accept LSC requests. LSCs can then delegate responsibilities to you and other collaborative team members as Content Creators.

Select the relevant subsection and follow the subsequent steps:

Enabling LSC Requests

Enabling LSC Requests gives the LSC control to add Content Creators to Collaboration Projects that require their services. All LSC Project Requests can either be accepted or rejected, subject to the decision of the Content Creator.

To enable LSC Requests, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing Dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation at the bottom, locate and click “My Account”.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and switch on the “Allow LSC Project Requests”.
  4. Locate and click the “Update” records button to save your settings.
  5. LSCs can now use your username to include you in a Collaboration Project.

Accepting/Rejecting LSC Requests

If a Content Creator decides to enable LSC Requests, they will receive an invitation from the LSC. Content Creators can accept or reject each LSC Request.

If Content Creators choose to enable LSC Requests, Content Creators are required to respond to all LSC Requests, either accepting or declining each potential project.

To accept or reject LSC requests, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing Dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “Content Creator” tab in the left navigation.
  3. Locate and click the “LSC Teams” button.
  4. When an LSC sends a request, the record will show here where you can accept or reject the invitation.
  5. You will receive a confirmation of acceptance or rejection.

Viewing Pending Collaboration Projects with LSCs

Content Creators can access the Collaboration Panel of each Pending Project with the LSC and Business Subscriber. The Project Collaboration Panel can be easily accessed and this is where the Content Creator can chat, view tasks and order details for the related project.

To access the Pending Projects that you are collaborating in, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “Content Creator” tab in the left navigation.
  3. Locate and click the “Pending Projects” button.
  4. From here, you can see all Pending Projects that you are collaborating in.
  5. Each project has its own Collaboration Panel where you can chat, view tasks and order details for the related project.

  6. To collaborate on a project, locate the Project Card and click the “Collaborate” button to open up the Project Collaboration Panel.

Viewing all Completed Collaboration Projects

When a project has been completed, the project will be archived and viewable at your discretion.

If the LSC removes you from an Active Project, you will no longer be able to access the Collaboration Panel.

To access all projects that you have collaborated in, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Browsing dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “Content Creator” tab in the left navigation.
  3. Locate and click the “All Projects” button.
  4. From here, you can see all projects that you have collaborated in.

Viewing Content Creator Analytics

Content Creator Analytics help Content Creators to organise their completed projects, active projects and identify tasks that need to be completed.

To view your Content Creator Analytics, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Viewing All Completed Collaboration Projects to navigate to your Content Creator CMS.
  2. In the head section, your “Key Content Analytics” will be displayed with numbers that show your Content Created, Completed Projects and Active Projects. These are designed to help you organise and manage your projects.