Docs > Marketing Chain > Publishing > Publishing Marketing Chains Lapture Systems

Publishing Marketing Chains

How to publish your Marketing Chains

Accessing the Publishing Marketing Chains page

The Publishing Marketing Chains page is where completed Marketing Chains can be published and disseminated to a Business Account Holder's customers and potential customers. Publishing a Marketing Chain is the final step in the Marketing Chain process and will only be completed when the Business Account Holder has finalised the building of their Marketing Chain and Marketing Chain Events.

To access the Publishing Marketing Chains page, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Business Campaigner dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click the “Publish MC” tab.

Publishing Marketing Chains

Publishing a Marketing Chain is the final step in building a bespoke mobile app experience. To complete this step and for a Marketing Chain to be displayed to customers, the Marketing Chain needs to be complete, accurate and all Events must have been created.

Complete all the mandatory steps in Building Marketing Chains before continuing and publishing your Marketing Chain.

When publishing a Marketing Chain, the Business Account Holder can select the publishing type they require:

  1. Classic Photo
  2. Video Media
  3. Standard Text

The only difference between the publishing types is the type of media that the Business Account Holder is uploading, namely, an image, a video and thumbnail or standard text.

Selecting a Publishing Type

In order to publish a Marketing Chain, the Business Account Holder can choose from 3 types of Publishing Media: Classic Photo, Video Media or Standard Text. Any of the Publishing Media types can be chosen by the Business Account Holder and should be selected with the industry niche in mind.

Follow the steps specific to your chosen Publishing Media to publish your Marketing Chain.

To select the desired publishing type, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On the Publishing a Marketing Chain page, locate and click either the “Classic Photo” button, the “Video Media” button or the “Standard Text” button to select your desired publishing type.

If you have selected the Classic Photo publishing type, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Once you have selected your desired publishing type, you will be presented with a modal window which will require the completion of information regarding the publishing media.
  2. In the input field “Describe this post in a few words…”, describe the publishing media in a few words. This description is mainly for the Business Account Holder's records; however, this does also show to their followers in the title bar in Lapture app.
  3. In the text area, write the main body of text for your Marketing Chain. In the message body, the Business Account Holder can include hashtags and @’s if they are collaborating with another Business Campaigner. Emojis can also be used.
  4. From the dropdown list, select your Marketing Chain.
  5. An image in PNG, JPG and JPEG formats can be uploaded by locating and clicking the “+ Upload Image” button.
  6. Once you have completed all of the required information, locate and click the “Continue” button.
  7. To make your post public immediately, locate and click the “Yes, Make Public” button. If you wish to save the post to your drafts to post at a later date, locate and click the “Save” button. If you need to make any further edits, locate and click the “No, Not Yet” button and follow the steps again.

If you have selected the Video Media publishing type, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Once you have selected your desired publishing type, you will be presented with a modal window which will require the completion of information regarding the publishing media.
  2. In the input field “Describe this post in a few words…”, describe the publishing media in a few words. This description is mainly for the Business Account Holder's records; however, this does also show to their followers in the title bar in Lapture app.
  3. In the text area, write the main body of text for your Marketing Chain. In the message body, the Business Account Holder can include hashtags and @’s if they are collaborating with another Business Campaigner. Emojis can also be used.
  4. From the dropdown list, select your Marketing Chain.
  5. An image in PNG, JPG and JPEG formats can be uploaded by locating and clicking the “+ Upload Image” button.
  6. A Video Thumbnail can be uploaded by locating and clicking the “+ Add Video Thumbnail” button.
  7. Once you have completed all of the required information, locate and click the “Continue” button.
  8. To make your post public immediately, locate and click the “Yes, Make Public” button. If you wish to save the post to your drafts to post at a later date, locate and click the “Save” button. If you need to make any further edits, locate and click the “No, Not Yet” button and follow the steps again.

If you have selected the Standard Text publishing type, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Once you have selected your desired publishing type, you will be presented with a modal window which will require the completion of information regarding the publishing media.
  2. In the input field “Describe this post in a few words…”, describe the publishing media in a few words. This description is mainly for the Business Account Holder's records; however, this does also show to their followers in the title bar in Lapture app.
  3. In the text area, write the main body of text for your Marketing Chain. In the message body, the Business Account Holder can include hashtags and @’s if they are collaborating with another Business Account Holder. Emojis can also be used.
  4. From the dropdown list, select your Marketing Chain.
  5. Once you have completed all of the required information, locate and click the “Continue” button.
  6. To make your post public immediately, locate and click the “Yes, Make Public” button. If you wish to save the post to your drafts to post at a later date, locate and click the “Save” button. If you need to make any further edits, locate and click the “No, Not Yet” button and follow the steps again.

Hashtags, @’s and phone numbers are all clickable and the Business Account Holder will receive statistical data on these.

Website links are banned from both the message title and message body. If the Business Account Holder does decide to include a website in the message title or body, this may result in the listing being removed as well as the words [Foreign Characters] replacing the website. Lapture does this as the Marketing Chains provide a clickable link to the Mobile App Experience.

Draft Publications

If all of the steps in Publishing Marketing Chains and Selecting a Publishing Type haven't been completed, your publication may have been saved as a draft. Draft publications can easily be edited and published, or deleted.

To access a draft publication to edit or delete it, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Publishing Marketing Chains before moving onto step 2.
  2. Any draft publications will be displayed on the Publishing a Marketing Chain page with the status “Draft”.
  3. To edit a publication, locate and click the “Edit Post” button. You will be presented with a modal window. If you wish to delete your post, go to step 5.
  4. Follow the steps in Publishing Marketing Chains to modify your publication.
  5. To delete your post, locate and click the “Delete” button. You will be presented with a modal window.
  6. Locate and click “OK” if you are happy to delete the post or locate and click “Cancel” if you have changed your mind.