Docs > Support > E-Learning > E Learning For Businesses

E-Learning for Business Subscribers

How to access E-Learning Resources

Providing E-Learning resources is part of the role an LSC will fulfil. LSCs will provide E-Learning lessons to help Business Subscribers to navigate Lapture and its mobile marketing features. E-Learning lessons will be intuitive, easy to follow and well documented and can be anything from Media Production support to specific help creating Events for a Marketing Chain.

Viewing all E-Learning Lessons

In order to see the free E-Learning lessons provided by your LSC, you must have an active Media Production or Marketing Chain Subscription Plan.

To view all E-Learning lessons provided by your LSC and Lapture Systems, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Business Campaigner dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, scroll down to “E-Learning” and locate and click “Lessons”. You will be presented with all E-Learning lessons provided by your LSC and Lapture Systems.
  3. You can filter your E-Learning Resources by Lesson Topic and Support Topic by clicking the relevant buttons. Lesson Topics are lessons provided by your LSC and Support Topics are lessons provided by Lapture Systems.

  4. Locate the E-Learning lesson you wish to view. Locate and click the thumbnail of the lesson you wish to view. Your E-Learning lesson will load.

Completing an E-Learning Lesson

To complete an E-Learning lesson, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Viewing all E-Learning Lessons before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the “Play” icon on the video or the “Start” button in the “Video Steps” section to start the lesson. Complete the steps as guided by the E-Learning Lesson and follow the prompts on-screen.
  3. The lesson will automatically pause whilst you complete the relevant step. Complete the step on your Lapture Account and locate and click “Play Next Step” once you are ready for the next step.

The video will automatically pause when you complete the step. You can either replay the same section of the video if you need to see the step again or move onto the next step.

E-Learning Tickets

If a Business Subscriber watches an LSC's E-Learning video and they are still struggling with some of the instructions, the Business Subscriber can get in contact directly with the LSC by creating a ticket. When the Business Subscriber creates the ticket, they can talk directly with an LSC to get additional support with the E-Learning topic in question.

Creating an E-Learning Ticket

To create an E-Learning Ticket, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Completing an E-Learning Lesson before moving onto step 2.
  2. If you are struggling with an aspect of an E-Learning video, locate the “Ticket Message” input field on the right-hand side of the E-Learning lesson, underneath the video steps.
  3. In the “Ticket Message” text-area, type your ticket message, explaining your issue and what you need support with.
  4. Locate and click “Send Ticket” to begin a Direct Messaging thread with your LSC.
  5. If you receive a red validation notification, follow the steps on-screen then locate and click “Send Ticket” to continue. If you receive a message stating you have already contacted your LSC directly about this E-Learning Lesson, locate and click “Show Tickets” and find the correct E-Learning Ticket. Locate and click “Attend MSG” to open the E-Learning Ticket and the previous message thread with your LSC.

  6. You will now be presented with a Direct Messaging thread with your LSC, where you can seek help directly from them.

Viewing E-Learning Tickets

To view a previously created E-Learning Ticket, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Creating an E-Learning Ticket before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left navigation, scroll down to “E-Learning” and locate and click “Tickets”.
  3. You will be presented with your previously created E-Learning Tickets. From here, you can continue the Direct Messaging thread with your LSC.