Docs > Dashboards > Accounts > Login To Lapture

Login Page

How to login to Lapture Systems on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet

In order to access your dashboard on Lapture Systems, you will have to login to your account.

This support document provides the steps to successfully complete Account Login.

To login to your Lapture Systems dashboard, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit You will now be presented with the login page.
  2. In the input field “Username”, enter the username you created your account with. If you have forgotten your username, you can retrieve it by visiting the Activation Email that was sent to your email address.
  3. In the input field “Password”, enter your password. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by locating and clicking the “Forgotten Password” button.
  4. The system will notify you in the form of a blue tick if the information is correct and a red cross if changes need to be made.

  5. Locate and click the “Login” button and you will be redirected to your account.

If you receive a red validation notification, follow the steps on the screen then locate and click the “Login” button again. You will now be redirected to your account.

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