Docs > Marketing Chain > Building > Building Marketing Chains

Building Marketing Chains™

How to build Lapture's flagship Marketing Chains™

Building a Marketing Chain

Lapture’s flagship Marketing Chains™ are a series of steps configured for the mobile customer to be taken through. Marketing Chains are how the Business Account Holder can create their unique mobile app experience.

In order to build a Marketing Chain, the Business Account Holder needs to follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Business Campaigner dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click the “Build MC” tab.
  3. Either locate and click on your desired Subscription Plan or if you do not have a subscription, locate and click the green “Add Plan” button.
  4. Follow the steps in the Subscription Routing document to have an understanding of the Subscription Plans available and the features of the Subscription Routing Page.

    If you do not have any subscriptions available, follow the steps in the Activating Subscriptions support document to set up a Subscription Plan.

  5. In the input field “Enter Your MC Build Name”, type in the name of your Marketing Chain.
  6. Locate and click the “Build Application Flow” button to create your Marketing Chain.
  7. Your new Marketing Chain will appear below with the status “Draft”.

If you need to edit your Marketing Chain, locate and click the “Edit Build” button and you will be presented with the Marketing Chain builder.

If you wish to delete your Marketing Chain, locate and click the “Delete” button and follow the instructions in the alert.

Activating a Marketing Chain

In order to create a link to a Marketing Chain in the Publish MC section, the Marketing Chain must be activated first. To activate a Marketing Chain, all of the mandatory steps must be completed first.

To activate your Marketing Chain, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Complete the mandatory steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Ensure all mandatory events have been created for your Marketing Chain in order to activate it. You will not be able to enable Development Mode until all of the mandatory steps in Creating Marketing Chain Events have been completed.

  3. In the left navigation, locate and click “Build MC”.
  4. Click on your desired Subscription Plan.
  5. Scroll down to find the required Marketing Chain and locate and click “Edit Build”.
  6. To activate your Marketing Chain, locate and click the “Activate” button within the Marketing Chain Event Builder.

Maintenance Mode

Once the Business Account Holder has followed the steps in Building a Marketing Chain, the Marketing Chain™ they have created will be saved as a draft. If the Marketing Chain™ has the status “Draft”, Maintenance Mode will not be shown, as the Marketing Chain must be active before it can be put into Maintenance Mode.

If the Business Account Holder has completed all of the mandatory steps and activated their Marketing Chain, every time that they open their Marketing Chain, they will have to make the decision to put it into Maintenance Mode, whilst they make any changes.

The Business Account Holder should pick an optimum time to make any changes to their app, for example, early in the morning when there is a limited number of customers accessing the app.

If the Business Account Holder wants to check their Marketing Chain whilst in Maintenance Mode, they can create a Group Publication and enable “Development Mode” for the key parties involved in the development preview. This means that the app does not need to keep being put into Maintenance Mode.

To enable Maintenance Mode for a Marketing Chain, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Complete the mandatory steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Build MC”.
  3. Click on your desired Subscription Plan.
  4. Scroll to find the required Marketing Chain and locate and click “Edit Build”.
  5. You will be presented with a Maintenance Mode pop-up. To enter Maintenance Mode, locate and click “Enter Maintenance Mode”.

Development Mode

A Business Account Holder will need to view the changes they have made to their Marketing Chain, without activating the app for their customers to view. To do this, the Business Account Holder needs to enable Development Mode, so they can view any changes that they’ve made, whilst under Maintenance Mode.

To enable Development Mode on a Marketing Chain, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Complete the mandatory steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click the “Publish MC” tab.
  3. Select your desired Publishing Type: Classic Photo, Video Media, Standard Text.
  4. In the pop-up, enter the link in the input field “Add Your Link”.
  5. Enter a description about the publication.
  6. Select the relevant Marketing Chain Application.
  7. Locate and click the switch to enable “Group/ Public Campaign”.
  8. Select the relevant parties that are developers of your Marketing Chain application.
  9. Enable Development Mode by checking the box “Enable Development Mode”.
  10. Locate and click “Continue”.
  11. Locate and click “Yes, Activate Campaign”.

Creating an App Icon and Cart Icon

For each Marketing Chain, it is mandatory to have an App Icon and Cart Icon.

To upload an App Icon and Cart Icon, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Complete the mandatory steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click the “Build MC” tab.
  3. Find your desired Marketing Chain and locate and click the “Edit Build” button.
  4. You will be presented with the Marketing Chain Builder where you can upload your App Icon and Cart Icon.
  5. To upload your App Icon, locate and click the “Upload” button under the App Icon heading. Upload your desired file with a width of 192-pixels and a height of 192-pixels.
  6. To upload your Cart Icon, locate and click the “Upload” button under the Custom Cart Image heading. Upload your desired file with a width of 192-pixels and a height of 192-pixels.

You must not use transparent backgrounds or round corners in your icon.

If you do not have an App Icon or a Cart Icon, your LSC can design custom brand-focused icons for your business.

App Settings and Restrictions

To complete the configuration of a Marketing Chain, there are several app settings that need to be completed by the Business Account Holder.

Choosing Element Events

To publish a Marketing Chain, selecting an Element Event is mandatory.

To select an Element Event, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Complete the mandatory steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Once you have selected your App images by completing the steps in Creating an App Icon and Cart Icon, locate and click “App Settings”.
  3. Select the desired Element Event from the drop-down list.

You must have followed the steps in Element Events and Creating a New Element Event before an Element Event can be added to a Marketing Chain.

Choosing Payment Gateway Events

To publish a Marketing Chain, selecting a Payment Gateway Event is mandatory.

To select a Payment Gateway Event, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Once you have selected your App images, locate and click “App Settings”.
  3. Select the desired Payment Gateway Event from the drop-down list.

You must have followed the steps in Payment Gateway Events and Creating a New Payment Gateway Event before a Payment Gateway Event can be added to a Marketing Chain.

Advance Settings

The Business Account Holder can set other advance settings for their mobile app experience, including allowing iPhone and Android user access, prohibiting under 18s from using their app and allowing app access to connected customers and exclusive access for a group of listed connections.

Apple and Android Access

The Business Account Holder can allow iPhone and/or Android specific devices.

To allow iPhone user access, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Once you have selected your Element Event and Payment Gateway Event, find the switch next to the heading “Apple”.
  3. To allow iPhone user access, click the switch so it displays as “ON”.

To allow Android user access, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Once you have selected your Element Event and Payment Gateway Event, find the switch next to the heading “Android”.
  3. To allow Android user access, click the switch so it displays as “ON”.

Age Restrictions

Some Business Account Holders may need to ensure only customers over the age of 18 are able to browse and purchase items from their app.

To restrict the customers accessing your app to over 18s only, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate the switch next to the heading “Age 18+”.
  3. To restrict your app to adults only, click the switch so it displays as “ON”.

This will ensure that only customers over the age of 18 can access the Business Account Holder’s app.

If you have enabled Age Restrictions, the customer’s Connect Code via Smart Access will be required before they can enter your app, in order for Lapture Systems to authenticate the age of the customer.

Connected Customers

If Connected Customers is activated, only customers who are connected to the Business Account Holder’s Lapture profile can visit their app.

To only show your app to customers who are connected to your Lapture profile, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate the switch next to the heading “Are Connected”.
  3. To only show your app to customers who are connected to your Lapture profile, click the switch so it displays as “ON”.

If you have enabled "Are Connected”, the customer’s Connect Code via Smart Access will be required before the customer can enter your app.

Listed Connections

Listed Connections allows the Business Account Holder to provide exclusive access to their app for a restricted group of individuals. A Business Account Holder may need to only provide app access to an exclusive group of people.

To only allow an exclusive list of customers to access your app, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate the switch next to the heading “Listed Connections”.
  3. To only allow an exclusive list of customers to access an app, click the switch so it displays as “ON”.
  4. You will be presented with a text box. Enter all desired customers into the text box with an @ before their Lapture username.

If you have enabled Listed Connections, the customer’s Connect Code via Smart Access will be required before they can enter your app, in order for Lapture Systems to authenticate the connection request.

Choosing Events

To configure a Marketing Chain, the Business Account Holder must select previously created Events that will be shown as a series of steps to their customers. A Marketing Chain is a digital sales plan that is configured for the mobile-using customer.

To choose previously created Events for your Marketing Chain, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Building a Marketing Chain before moving onto step 2.
  2. In the left-hand side of the Marketing Chain Builder, locate and click the “Choose Event” button.
  3. You will be presented with a list of Activated Events that you can apply to your Marketing Chain as well as Instances that can be added.
  4. To apply an Event to your Marketing Chain, locate your desired event and click “Apply”.
  5. The selected Event will appear in the left-hand side of the Marketing Chain Builder. Repeat step 4 until you have selected all of the Events you require for your Marketing Chain.

Linking and Unlinking Events

The Business Account Holder must link their Events in their Marketing Chain so that their customers view their app in a desired sequence. Linking Events allows the Business Account Holder to implement each separately created Event that they need for the functioning of their Lapture app.

The following Events can be linked to the Business Account Holder’s app: Refine Products Events, Product List Events, Applying Ticket Events, Payment Gateway Events, Element Events, Delivery Events and Landing Events.

The Event that is located closest to the top of the Event Builder, next to App Settings, will be the first Event that is shown in the series of steps for the customer.

Linking Events

Marketing Chain Events must be linked so that they are shown in the Business Account Holder’s desired sequence.

To link an Event, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Choosing Events before moving onto step 2.
  2. Once you have selected the Events you require to build your Marketing Chain, you need to link them. Locate the Event you wish to link first.
  3. Under the heading, locate and click the Theme button for the relevant Event. This could be a List Theme, Refine Theme, Ticket Theme, for example.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to find a list of detected Connections. Find the link you require and drag it across to the corresponding Event, placing it in the “Drop here to link” section.

Please note Events cannot be linked with themselves.

Unlinking Events

If the Business Account Holder has made a mistake or wishes to make a change, the Business Account Holder can easily unlink any Events that they have previously linked.

To unlink an Event, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Choosing Events before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the Event you wish to unlink
  3. Locate and click the “Unlink” button.
  4. You will be presented with a popup window. If you wish to proceed and unlink the Event, locate and click “OK”.