Docs > Media Production > Business > Media Production For Business Campaigners

Media Production for Business Campaigners

How to use Lapture’s Media Production Software to produce brand related content

This support document provides information on Lapture’s Media Production Software which is managed by the Business Account Holder’s LSC. Lapture’s Media Production Software can be used to stimulate and visually engage the Business Account Holder’s customers with the products and services they offer. This information is specifically targeted at Business Campaigners.

In order to use Lapture’s Media Production Software, you must have an active subscription plan managed by an LSC. To activate your subscription plan, follow the Activating Subscriptions support document first.

Before completing the project, you must also choose one Demonstration Theme to complete the step: Choosing Demonstration Themes.

This support document will tell you how to access and use features of Lapture’s Media Production Software. These include:

Choosing your Project Type

Business Subscribers with a Media Production Subscription have access to a range of Media that can be ordered with specific requirements. The Media Assets available to a Business Subscriber are dependent upon their LSC's offerings. A Business Subscriber can select and create bespoke projects and view an exhaustive list of all the Media Order Types that their LSC is offering.

To choose and create a project, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Business Campaigner dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Media Orders”.
  3. Select the Subscription Plan you wish to proceed with.
  4. You will now be presented with the different Media Order Types that your LSC is offering.
  5. Choose your desired Media Order Type.
  6. To begin your project, locate and click the "Add" button on the Media Card and follow the steps in Designing Order Specifications.

Designing Order Specifications

For the LSC and/or Content Creator to fulfil your order, you need to provide the specific requirements of your project.

To provide the design specifications of your Media Order, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Choosing your Project Type before moving onto step 2.
  2. Add a Cover Image to personalise your Project Order by locating and clicking the “Choose File” button and selecting your desired image. We recommend 660 x 440. The minimum image size is 330 x 220.
  3. Under the heading “Now, enter your Project Title”, write a Project Title in the input field to summarise your Project for your CMS, the LSC and Content Creator.
  4. In the text area “Enter your project description here”, write a detailed description of your project for the LSC and Content Creator to understand your project requirements.
  5. When the steps above have been completed, locate and click the “Next” button and follow the steps in the Adding External Resource Links section.

Your customers will see the cover image and description if the project is made public after completion. The description is also the SEO body for search engines. We recommend more than 300 characters for this.

Once you have completed these fields, the LSC and Content Creator can begin designing your order. Once your order has been finalised, you may choose to make the details of your order public to help other Business Campaigners to find Content Creators suitable to their needs and to facilitate more work for talented Content Creators. Although, this decision can be made at your own discretion.

External Resource Links are designed to give more information for the person viewing the social post, if the project is made public by you. External Resource Links can also be used for giving credit to those involved in the production of a project, for example, a link to the final version of the project or a Wikipedia page for references.

Whilst adding External Resource Links is useful, it is not mandatory to fulfil your order and they are only designed for projects that are public.

If you choose to keep your project order private, you may skip to Choosing Demonstration Themes. By default, projects are kept private and require actions to become public.

To add an External Resource Link, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Choosing your Project Type before moving onto step 2.
  2. Use the search box to search for the required domain name.
  3. The scheme, subdomains, top-level domains and second-level domains have all been entered. Complete the URL by entering the subdirectories of your URL.
  4. Test the URL by clicking the “Test URL” button to make sure it’s not broken.

  5. When completed, locate and click the “Next” button and follow the steps in the Choosing Demonstration Themes section.

Choosing Demonstration Themes

Before completing the project, you must add at least one Demonstration Theme provided by your LSC. Demonstration Themes give more insight to the LSC and/or Content Creator of what the final version of your project should look like.

Demonstration Themes can be found in the Themes section. Here, you must choose one theme to complete your order. In the Demonstration Themes section, there is a variety of themes to choose from and add to your project. If you haven’t already added a Demonstration Theme, follow the steps in Adding Demonstration Themes to a Media Order before continuing.

If you have already added a Demonstration Theme, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Choosing your Project Type before moving onto step 2.
  2. Choose the Demonstration Theme by clicking the “Select” button on the card you wish to use in your project.
  3. When completed, locate and click the “Next” button and follow the steps in the Uploading Media Files section.

Uploading Media Files

Here, you can upload any pictures, documents or relevant files needed to complete your single project. Files uploaded here will reduce the amount of cloud storage you have. When you complete the project order process, these files will become available to you in your File Case. Lapture Systems will automatically generate a folder with the Project Title so you can add to the files at any time.

To optimise your File Case more efficiently, we recommend uploading Cross-Project Files like logos and IP/marks directly to your File Case in the pre-generated folder called “Public Assets”. Your LSC will be able to view the files across all projects.

If you receive a red validation notification about upgrading your storage plan, refer to the File Case support document.

To upload Media Files needed to complete a project, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Choosing your Project Type before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the “Choose Files” button and select one or more Project Files that you wish to upload.
  3. Repeat Step 1 until you have all of the relevant files for your project.
  4. When completed, locate and click the “Next” button and follow the steps in Confirming your Media Order.

Confirming your Media Order

To add your project, you need to ensure that you have provided all of the mandatory information for your LSC.

When clicking the “Add Project” button, if you have not completed all of the relevant fields, you will be presented with a checklist that shows you the information that you need to provide.

To confirm your Media Order, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Choosing your Project Type before moving onto step 2.
  2. Look for the red cross icon, read the information provided and locate and click the “Fix Issue” button.
  3. You will now be presented with the relevant page to add the information needed to complete your project order.
  4. Once you have completed this, return to the Project Checklist page and locate and click “Add Project” to regenerate the checklist and wait for the green tick.
  5. Repeat this process until you see the order confirmation dialogue.

Managing Projects

Business Subscribers may need to adjust the details of a project in progress or contact one of the Content Creators working on an active project. Projects can be easily managed by navigating to the Collaboration Panel.

To access your Projects in Progress and Active Projects, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Business Campaigner dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “CMS”.
  3. In the “Media Orders from Your LSC” tab, locate and click “Manage Projects”.
  4. Scroll down to choose your required Media Order Type from the list provided and locate and click the “Projects” button in your chosen card.
  5. Once you have clicked the “Projects” button in your chosen card, you will be presented with your Media Orders that are active or in progress.
  6. Continue to Collaboration Panel Overview for the next steps.

Collaboration Panel Overview

Each project that is created in the Business Account Holder’s account will have its own Collaboration Panel, a space in which the Business Account Holder , their employees who have been granted Editor Privileges, their LSC and Content Creators, can all collaborate on the Business Account Holder’s project.

For each project that the Business Account Holder creates, the LSC will source locally talented Content Creators who are specialists in their field, to be part of the Collaboration Panel and produce content for the Business Account Holder’s project.

To access the Collaboration Panel, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Managing Projects before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the “Collaborate” button on the chosen card.

Please refer to Figure 1 to see the features within a Collaboration Panel.

The indicators that are listed in the Reference Table below appear in Figure 1.

Reference Table

  1. Tab Navigation to access Order Details and Content Creator Profiles.
  2. Displays your Order & Project Customer Notifications.
  3. Group Chat Messaging between all parties who are collaborating on this project.

The sections of this support document include:

Editing a Project

If you need to change the title, description, or the status of your project to private or public, this can be done within the Collaboration Panel.

To edit the details of a project, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. To access the Collaboration Panel, follow the steps in Collaboration Panel Overview before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the “Edit Project” button in the left-hand Tab Navigation.
  3. Once you are happy with your changes, locate and click the “Update Project” button.

Making a Project Public or Private

Changing the status of a project from private to public can be done by changing the switch from no to yes.

  • Yes = Public Post.
  • No = Private Post.

To change the status of a project from public to private, or private to public, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. To access the Collaboration Panel, follow the steps in Collaboration Panel Overview before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the “Edit Project” button in the left-hand Tab Navigation.
  3. Change the switch to update the status of the project.
  4. Locate and click the “Update Project” button.

Public projects can be seen by anyone who accesses your profile, private projects can only be seen by collaborative members.

Viewing Content Creator Profiles

When the LSC assigns a Content Creator to your order, you can explore more information about the Content Creator including a description of their background and experience, previous work positions held, contact details and work experience.

To view a Content Creator profile, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. To access the Collaboration Panel, follow the steps in Collaboration Panel Overview before moving onto step 2.
  2. To explore more about your Content Creator, locate and click the Content Creator’s name in the left-hand Tab Navigation of the Collaboration Panel.

Group Messaging

In your Collaboration Panel, you can use the Group Messaging Feed between you, the LSC and the Content Creator to discuss matters related to your project.

Keeping the communication of your project organised and all in one place, Project Group Messaging is a simple, streamlined way to communicate with all of the people involved in the project.

To locate the group messaging feed and send a message to the other members of the Collaboration Team, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. To access the Collaboration Panel, follow the steps in Collaboration Panel Overview before moving onto step 2.
  2. Type in your message to the Group Messaging Feed and locate and click the “Send” button to chat with your group.

You can also include Emojis in messages.

Viewing a Public Project

Business Subscribers may wish to view a project once it is public. This can easily be done through the Business Campaigner Dashboard.

To view a Public Project, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Business Campaigner dashboard.
  2. Locate and click your Profile Image in the top left-hand of any page.
  3. Scroll down to find the Project you wish to view.
  4. Locate and click the Project to view more information.

From here, you can add comments, view External Resource Links and like a post.

Adding Demonstration Themes to a Media Order

Before completing the project, you must add one Demonstration Theme provided by your LSC. Demonstration Themes give more insight to the LSC and/or Content Creator of what the final version of your project should look like.

To add a Demonstration Theme, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Business Campaigner dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Media Themes”.
  3. Add the Demonstration Theme by locating and clicking the “Select” button on the card you wish to use in your project.
  4. When completed, locate and click the “Add to Favourites” button and follow the steps in the Uploading Media Files section.