Docs > Dashboards > Business > Business Content Management System

Business CMS

How to use Lapture Systems' Content Management System as a Business

The CMS (Content Management System) is the system that the Business Account Holder will use to edit, delete, search, print and archive mobile app orders and tickets, related to their business.

Other features of the CMS include viewing Media Production orders and using the data analytical tools.

This support document will provide information on the Business CMS and its features:

Managing Media Production Orders

In order to access your Projects in Progress and Active Projects, please see the support document under Media Production for Business Campaigners.

Mobile Shop Orders

The CMS for Mobile Shop Orders allows the Business Account Holder to fulfil orders from a Product List Event, created through Lapture’s Marketing Chains.

The Business Account Holder can view the separated Mobile Shop Orders and can easily view New Orders, Approved Orders and Archived Orders from each individual Product List Event.

If the Business Account Holder has granted Editor Privileges to employees in order to scan delivery notes as approved or delivered, these records will be updated in their CMS.

To view and manage orders within the CMS, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Lapture Systems dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “CMS” tab in the left navigation.
  3. In the “Mobile Shop Orders” card, locate and click the “Manage Orders” button.

Viewing Team Members

To view Team Members, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Mobile Shop Orders before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired order event and locate and click the “Manage Order” button inside the card.
  3. If Editor Privileges have been assigned to the order module, the assigned pictures of the team members will show in the header section. Locate and click a team member to expand the list of team members.

Order Notification Settings

If the Business Account Holder no longer wishes to receive notifications on their dashboard from a particular order module, they can choose to disable any further notifications.

For example, if the Business Account Holder did not want to receive fulfilment notifications for when their team has picked, delivered or approved an order, these notifications can be individually switched off.

  1. Follow the steps in Mobile Shop Orders before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired order event and locate and click the “Manage Order” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Settings” tab to open the order module settings.

New Orders

The New Orders section will show all of the Business Account Holder's orders from their Marketing Chain Product List Event.

In the New Orders section, the Business Account Holder can view:

  1. The Status of the Order: if an order is pending, needs approving or has already been picked and approved.
  2. The date the order was created.
  3. The action button that allows the Business Account Holder and their employees to see further details of the order.

The Business Account Holder can also refine orders:

  1. By customer
  2. By newest
  3. By oldest
  4. By the customer’s name in alphabetical order

In the New Orders section, the Business Account Holder can also:

  1. Select multiple orders and archive them for their records.
  2. Download delivery notes in bulk for printing.

The Business Account Holder can also click on a username in order to see the order history of that customer.

To access the New Orders section, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Mobile Shop Orders before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired order event and locate and click the “Manage Order” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Modules” tab.
  4. Locate and click the “New Orders” card to view the New Orders.

Approved Orders

The Approved Orders section shows orders that have been picked and authorised. From here, the Business Account Holder can see their fulfilled orders.

The Business Account Holder can also select bulk orders and archive and download approved orders of their choice.

As in the New Orders section, the Business Account Holder can refine orders:

  1. By customer
  2. By newest
  3. By oldest
  4. By the customer’s name in alphabetical order

To access the Approved Orders section, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Mobile Shop Orders before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired order event and locate and click the “Manage Order” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Modules” tab.
  4. Locate and click the “Approved Orders” card to view the Approved Orders.

Archived Orders

The Business Account Holder can move orders from the Approved Orders section to the Archived Orders section for their future records.

As an order record can never be deleted, the Archived Orders section allows the Business Account Holder to organise their order processing and maintain a record of all past orders.

If the Business Account Holder makes a mistake, an order can be easily unarchived by locating and clicking the “Unarchive Selected” button.

When viewing the New, Approved or Archived Orders of each user, the green cart icon indicates a fulfilled order, whilst the red cart icon indicates that the order is yet to be fulfilled. This allows the Business Account Holder to quickly identify their order processing and complete unfulfilled orders.

To access the Archived Orders section, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Mobile Shop Orders before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired order event and locate and click the “Manage Order” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Modules” tab.
  4. Locate and click the “Archived Orders” card to view all Archived Orders.

Product Fulfilment

The Product Fulfilment page displays the table of items that the customer has ordered.

To access the Product Fulfilment page, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in New Orders, Approved Orders or Archived Orders before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired order and locate and click the “View Order” button in the Actions Column.

From here, the Business Account Holder can view:

  1. The customer’s shipping address
  2. The delivery type
  3. The PDF delivery note (available for printing)

PDF Delivery Notes

PDF Delivery Notes show the vendor’s address, the shipping to address, the shipping type and the table of ordered items.

If the Business Account Holder is VAT registered and the Business Account Holder has enabled this in their Payment Event, then the VAT will be included in the delivery note.

If the Business Account Holder has multiple pickers or deliverers, the records can be updated without the employee having to access the Business Account Holder’s CMS through Editor Privileges.


The Business Account Holder can also print the single PDF delivery note. Please ensure to use the blue “Print” button located at the bottom right of the delivery note in order for the CMS to count the frequency of prints. This ensures that the delivery note is not printed multiple times.


Lapture’s QR scanner and the QR code on the PDF Delivery Note allows the customer to open a direct message to the business who provided the products to discuss how to return the delivery, if they wish to do so.

After scanning the QR code, the customer will have the option to view your Refund Policy by viewing your Terms and Conditions Marketing Chain. Your Terms and Conditions Marketing Chain must be posted as a link called "agreements" to create the URL:

For employees with Editor Privileges, the QR code can be used to mark the items as picked or authorised and as shipped or picked up. Using the QR code on the delivery note makes the process of picking bulk orders and delivering more streamlined and effective.

Product Details

Within the Delivery Table, further product details of the items ordered by the customer can be viewed by clicking the “+” button on a record.

Fulfilment Markers

If the customer has ordered multiple items but the Business Account Holder is unable to fulfil the entire order, the Business Account Holder can mark the order as unfulfilled.

Shipping Types

The shipping type selected by the customer will be displayed at the top of the Product Fulfilment page as a badge.

Delivery Address

The Product Fulfilment page shows the delivery address. If the customer changes their delivery address after the order has been processed, the delivery address will not change as it is already stored in the order record.

Mark Refunded

The Business Account Holder can use badges to indicate if an item has been paid or refunded, for their records.

By expanding the product details, they can change the status to mark it as refunded.

Mark Unfulfilled

The Business Account Holder can use badges to indicate if an order is unfulfilled for their records.

By expanding the product details, they can change the status to mark it as unfulfilled.

Ticket Codes

Tickets allow the Business Account Holder to add discounts for their instore and online customers. Ticket Codes can also be used for access to a venue or event.

To view and manage tickets within the CMS, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Lapture Systems dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “CMS” tab in the left navigation.
  3. In the “Promotional & Access Codes” card, locate and click the “Manage Tickets” button.

Viewing Team Members

To view Team Members, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Ticket Codes before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired ticket event and locate and click the “Manage Tickets” button inside the card.
  3. If Editor Privileges have been assigned to the Tickets Module, the assigned pictures of the team members will show in the header section. Locate and click a team member to expand the list of team members.

Ticket Notification Settings

If the Business Account Holder no longer wishes to receive notifications on their dashboard from a particular ticket module, they can choose to disable any further notifications.

The Business Account Holder can choose to switch off the notifications for the following:

  1. New Notification: a customer has saved a ticket.
  2. Used Notification: a customer has used a ticket.
  3. Archived Notification: a ticket has been moved to the “Archived” folder to keep tickets organised.

To change your ticket notification settings, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Ticket Codes before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired ticket event and locate and click the “Manage Tickets” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Settings” tab to open the ticket notification settings.

New Tickets

The New Tickets section displays all of the tickets from the Business Account Holder's Marketing Chain Ticket Event.

In the New Tickets section, the Business Account Holder can view:

  1. The customer who saved the ticket.
  2. The subject: if the ticket is active or used.
  3. The date that the ticket was created.
  4. The action button that allows the Business Account Holder and their employees to authorise the ticket.

To access the New Tickets section, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Ticket Codes before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired ticket event and click the “Manage Tickets” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Modules” tab.
  4. Locate and click the “New Tickets” card to view all New Tickets.

Archived Tickets

The Business Account Holder can move tickets from the New Tickets section to the Archived Tickets section, for their future records.

As a ticket record can never be deleted, the Archived Tickets section allows the Business Account Holder to organise their tickets and maintain a record of all past tickets.

If the Business Account Holder makes a mistake, a ticket can be easily unarchived by clicking the “Unarchive Selected” button.

When viewing the New or Archived Tickets of each user, the green plus icon indicates a fulfilled ticket, whilst the red plus icon indicates that the ticket is yet to be used. This allows the Business Account Holder to quickly identify their tickets.

To access the Archived Tickets section, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Ticket Codes before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired ticket event and click the “Manage Tickets” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Modules” tab.
  4. Locate and click the “Archived Tickets” card to view all Archived Tickets.

Activating a New Ticket Timer

To activate a New Ticket Timer, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Ticket Codes before moving onto step 2.
  2. Find the desired ticket event and click the “Manage Tickets” button inside the card.
  3. In the header section, locate and click the “Modules” tab.
  4. Locate and click the “New Tickets” card to view all New Tickets.
  5. Locate and click the “Activate Ticket Timer” button.

Reactivating an Expired Ticket

To reactive a timer for an expired ticket, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Lapture Systems dashboard.
  2. Locate and click the “Build MC” tab in the left navigation.
  3. The Business Account Holder will be presented with the Subscription Routing Page with the different subscription plans available.
  4. Locate and click the subscription plan of your choice.
  5. Scroll down to “Marketing Events” and check the box of the desired Ticket Event.
  6. Locate and click “Edit Selected Event”.
  7. Check the details are still accurate, if not, make any applicable changes.
  8. Locate and click “Save”.
  9. Follow the steps in Activating a New Ticket Timer to reactivate the timer.

Analytical Statistics


The profits section of the Business Account Holder’s Analytical Statistics displays their “Net Amount” (in GBP) and their “Daily Income” (in GBP).

Once the name of the picker and the name of the authoriser has been entered into Lapture, the Business Account Holder’s analytics will be updated to include the newly processed items. The analytics of these items will display as part of the Business Account Holder’s “Net Amount” and “Daily Income”. The “Picked by” field and “Authorised by” field both need to be completed with the relevant employee or individual, before the item can be incorporated into the Business Account Holder’s analytics.

Lapture Network

The analytics in Lapture Network provides information on the analytics of Marketing Chain posts and social posts to Lapture App.

“Total Likes” informs the Business Account Holder on how many likes they have had on all of their Marketing Chain posts.

“Total Captures” informs the Business Account Holder of how many people have saved their Marketing Chain posts in Lapture app.

“Video Views” informs the Business Account Holder of how many people have viewed their uploaded videos.

“# tag Clicks” informs the Business Account Holder of how many people have viewed the hashtags used in their posts.

“Phone Number clicks” informs the Business Account Holder of how many people have clicked on the contact phone number provided by the Business Account Holder.

My Apps

The “My Apps” section of the Analytical Statistics provides information on Marketing Chain application views and downloads.

“Total Views” informs the Business Account Holder of how many people have viewed the Business Account Holder Marketing Chain applications.

“Total Downloads” informs the Business Account Holder of how many people have downloaded the Marketing Chain application to their iOS or Android device.

Mobile Shop Orders

The Mobile Shop Orders section provides the Business Account Holder with information on their total sales, cart abandons and delivered items within their Marketing Chain.

“Total Sales” informs the Business Account Holder of their total sales from their Marketing Chain.

“Total Items Picked” informs the Business Account Holder of the total number of items that has had the picker confirmed.

“Total Items Authorised” informs the Business Account Holder of the total number of items that have successfully been delivered to the customer or that the customer has picked up. This value will display once the Business Account Holder has entered the name of the authorised employee or individual who completed this step.

“Cart Abandons” is a very important metric for the Business Account Holder, as it allows them to see the number of items in customer’s carts that they are not currently checking out.

Promotional & Access Codes

The “Promotional & Access Codes” section provides data on the status of customer’s Tickets for a Business Account Holder’s Mobile Shop.

“Total Issued” is the total number of tickets issued.

“Active” displays the number of active tickets.

“Timed Out” displays the total number of tickets that have timed out.

“Total Used” displays the total number of tickets that have been used.

“Total Unused” displays the total number of tickets that have not been used.

Filtering Analytics

The Business Account Holder can filter how their analytics are displayed.

In the dropdown menu, the Business Account Holder has the choice of displaying their analytics in one of the three following formats:

  1. Total Data
  2. Month vs Month
  3. Week vs Week

“Total Data” displays the total data since the Business Account Holder account was created.

“Month vs Month” will compare last month’s analytics with the current month.

“Week vs Week” will compare last week’s analytics with the current week.

Analytic Reports

Analytic Reports provide a comparable “Week vs Week” or “Month vs Month” report of the Business Account Holder’s analytics. The Business Account Holder can select the specific weeks or months that they wish to compare in the report.

To generate a report of your analytics, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your Lapture Systems dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “CMS”. You will be presented with your Analytical Statistics.
  3. Locate and click “Generate Report”.
  4. You will be presented with a modal window. Locate and click your preferred format for your analytics report: “Week vs Week” or “Month vs Month”.
  5. From the dropdown, select the primary data for comparison.
  6. Locate and click “Continue”.
  7. From the dropdown, select the secondary data for comparison.
  8. Locate and click “Build Report”. An analytics report will be generated with the data from the two values selected.