Docs > Lapture Systems Coordinators > Subscriptions > Lsc Subscriptions

LSC Subscriptions

How to use Lapture Systems Subscription Manager as an LSC

An LSC will be given their own CUC code (Coordinator’s Unique Contact code) which can be used to activate subscriptions in their LSC account.

To access the Subscription Manager, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your LSC Account.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Subscriptions”.

This support document will provide information on the Subscription Manager and its features:

Due Payments

To find the Due Payments tab, follow the instructions in LSC Subscriptions before continuing.

The Due Payments tab will show all the records of subscription payments due on that day, along with the subscriber’s name, the plan that is to be renewed, the renewal date and time, status of that payment and their contact telephone number.

For example, if a business subscribes to an LSC’s plan on the 1st of the month, then the Due Payments tab will show this subscriber on the 1st of every subsequent month with the status of their subscription.

There are three types of payment statuses: Pending, Paid and Failed.

Pending: is only used for first-time payments or monthly payments while the payment is being authorised by Lapture’s payment processor.

Paid: signals that the transaction was successful, and no more actions are needed.

Failed: signals that there is an error that needs resolving with the payment. For more information on failed payment types, see the document Resolving a Failed Payment.

If a payment fails, it will disable the features within that subscription for the Business Subscriber.

New Subscriptions

There are two different types of subscriptions in the New Subscriptions Tab:

Referral Subscriptions

When the Business Account Holder first completes their account information, a subscription record to all LSCs within the Business Account Holder’s Postcode Area will be created to enable LSCs to contact the Business Account Holder and offer their services as LSC Licensees.

Each LSC will only see businesses within their Licensed Territory.

Affiliate Linked Subscriptions

Each LSC will be provided with an Affiliate Link, a URL on their unique LSC Connect Page that can be used in various marketing mediums, for example, a banner advert or a marketing video. LSCs can also use their Affiliate Link when speaking with businesses face-to-face.

If a Business Subscriber registers using an LSC’s Affiliate Link, they will be listed as an Affiliate Linked Subscriber, meaning only LSCs who own the Affiliate Link will see the Subscriber’s record.

LSC Affiliate Links are not based on the Business Account Holder’s Postcode Area.

As an LSC your License Agreement will cover an assigned territory. If you are unaware of your territory, you must refer to your License Agreement or contact

Active Referral Subscriptions

The Active Referral Subscriptions tab displays key information regarding the LSC’s subscriptions. The LSC’s subscriptions are grouped by the Business Subscriber’s name.

To find the Active Referral Subscriptions tab, follow the instructions in LSC Subscriptions.

On the Active Referral Subscriptions tab, the LSC can view the following information in the table:

  1. The Subscriber’s Name(s).
  2. The Business Subscription Total Monthly Amount.
  3. The City that the Business Account Holder was referred in.
  4. The Type of Subscription: Referral or Affiliate.
  5. The Status of the Subscription with the number of total subscriptions in parentheses. This number includes: Marketing Chain Plans, Media Production Plans and E-Learning Plans.
  6. The Plan button: the LSC can use this to find out more information regarding their subscriptions.

If there are multiple Marketing Chain subscriptions, Media Production subscriptions or E-Learning subscriptions, these are grouped by the Business Subscriber.

Pending Referral Subscriptions

When a Business Account Holder enters an LSC’s CUC code, the LSC will then be awarded the Business Subscriber’s record. This record will now show in the “Pending Referrals” Tab with the status “Inactive”. From here, the LSC can liaise with the Business Account Holder to activate the Subscription Record.

To find the Pending Referral Subscriptions tab, follow the instructions in LSC Subscriptions.

All of the LSC’s Pending Referral Subscriptions will show here along with:

  1. The Subscriber’s Name(s).
  2. The Business Subscription Total Monthly Amount.
  3. The City that the Business Account Holder was referred in.
  4. The Type: Referral.
  5. The Status of the Subscription with the number of total subscriptions in parentheses. This number includes: Marketing Chain Plans, Media Production Plans and E-Learning Plans.
  6. The Plan button: the LSC can use this to find out more information regarding their subscriptions.

If you do not see the “Plan” button in the Actions Column, follow the steps in Gaining Privileges.

In some cases, the LSC may need to modify a Subscription Plan. The LSC can do this by locating and clicking the “Plan” button in the Actions Column.

Affiliate Linked Subscriptions

When a Business Account Holder uses the LSC’s URL, the LSC will then be awarded the Business Subscriber’s record. This record will now show in the “Affiliate Linked Subscriptions” Tab with the status “Inactive”. From here, the LSC can liaise with the Business Account Holder to activate the Subscription Record.

All of the LSC’s inactive Affiliate Linked Subscriptions will show here along with:

  1. The Subscriber’s Name(s).

  2. The Business Subscription Total Monthly Amount.

  3. The City that the Business Account Holder is from.

  4. The Type: Affiliate.

  5. The Status of the Subscription with the number of total subscriptions in parentheses. This number includes: Marketing Chain Plans, Media Production Plans and E-Learning Plans.

  6. The Plan button: the LSC can use this to find out more information regarding their subscriptions.

If you do not see the “Plan” button in the Actions Column, follow the steps in Gaining Privileges.

In some cases, the LSC may need to modify a Subscription Plan. The LSC can do this by locating and clicking the “Plan” button in the Actions Column.

Gaining Privileges

If the LSC wishes to modify a Subscription Record on behalf of the Business Account Holder, the Business Account Holder must first provide permission.

To provide the permission, the Business Account Holder must follow the subsequent steps:

  1. To access the Subscription Manager, the Business Account Holder will have to login to their account by visiting on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet.
  2. At the bottom of the left navigation, locate and click “My Account”.
  3. In the left navigation, locate and click “Subscriptions”.
  4. The Business Account Holder will now have to enter the LSC’s CUC code in the input field and locate and click “Submit”.
  5. If you see a red validation notification, follow the instructions provided on-screen.

  6. The Business Account Holder will now be presented with the Subscription Plans available for activation.
  7. In order for the LSC to manage the subscription, the Business Account Holder will now have to locate and click the “Allow LSC to manage your subscription plan” button. The LSC will now be able to modify the Subscription Record.

Subscription Types

There are three types of Subscriptions that a Business Account Holder can activate. These consist of: Marketing Chain Plans, Media Production Plans and E-Learning Plans.

To locate the “Update Subscription” page, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your LSC account.
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Subscriptions”.
  3. Locate and click either the Active Referrals, Pending Referrals or Affiliate Linked Referrals tab.
  4. From the list of records, locate the record you wish to view.
  5. Locate and click the “Plan” button.
  6. From here, the LSC will be able to see: Subscriber’s Details, Marketing Chain Subscriptions, Media Production Subscriptions, E-Learning Subscriptions, Active Plans, Archived Payments and Activity Log tabs.

If you do not see the “Plan” button in the Actions Column, follow the steps in Gaining Privileges.

Each Subscription Type consists of subscription set-up values and monthly values that are modifiable.

Subscription set-up values:

  1. CUC Percent = The Commission the awarded LSC will receive.
  2. LSC’s CUC Code = The LSC who will receive the Commission.
  3. Cancel Subscription Request = If the Business Subscriber requests cancellation of the subscription.

Monthly Values


Editing Monthly Values will be recognised as a Custom Subscription and will need approval from Lapture Systems before the Business Account Holder can activate the subscription. Approval could take up to 72 hours.

Updating Monthly Values on an Active Subscription Plan will require the Business Subscriber to reactivate their Subscription Plan. If you are offering the same subscription to multiple Business Subscribers, you can create a pre-approved Active Plan for Business Subscribers to select.

Monthly Values will reset each month. To provide an example of this, on the Media Production Plans, the LSC can set the value of App Icons to 3. This means that the Business Subscriber will be able to create 3 App Icons each month totalling 36 App Icons in a one-year cycle.

Subscription Monthly Values:

  1. Monthly Price = The price the Business Subscriber will pay each month.
  2. First Time Payments = A One-Off Additional Payment the Business Subscriber will pay for the first month.
  3. Request First Time Payment = If you have modified the Subscription Plan, you may request the First Time Payment Value is taken again on the New Subscription Date.
  4. Subsequent Values for the Subscription Plan = The Values of the Subscription Plan.

Active Plans

Active Plans are pre-approved plans provided by Lapture Systems. If you wish for Lapture Systems to create a pre-approved plan, contact

When emailing Lapture Systems, you must include the following:

  1. CUC Code in the subject line and in the body of the message.
  2. The Subscription Type – Marketing Chain, Media Production or E-Learning.
  3. The Subscription Title
  4. First Time Subscription Amount
  5. Monthly Subscription Amount
  6. Subscription Values

Click Here to download the free email template.

In the “Active Plans” tab, the LSC can activate a variety of pre-approved Media Production, Marketing Chain and E-Learning Subscription Payment Plans for the Business Subscriber to select the most suitable Payment Plan for their requirements.

To activate or deactivate a plan for a Business Subscriber, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Subscription Types before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the “Active Plans” tab.
  3. In the “Active Plans” tab, check the box on the plans you wish to activate or deactivate.
  4. In the “Bulk Actions” section, locate and click the "Activate" button for the selected records to be updated.

There are two types of statuses: Status 1 is “Active and Available” and Status 2 is “Inactive”.

Archived Payments

Archived Payments shows the archive history for Marketing Chain Plans, Media Production Plans and E-Learning Plans. Here, the LSC can see the read-only records:

  1. The Payment ID for Lapture Systems
  2. The Subscription Amount
  3. The Type of Subscription, Media Production, Marketing Chain or E-Learning and the Cycle, first time or monthly.
  4. The Date (DD/MM/YYYY) that the Subscription was taken.
  5. The status of the payment (Draft, Open and Paid).

These records will also show as a PDF invoice for the Business Subscriber to download.

Activity Log

For each Subscription Plan, the Activity Log documents the interactions between three parties: the LSC, staff members from Lapture’s Payment Processing & Control and Lapture’s automated systems. The LSC is able to speak directly with staff members from Lapture’s Payment Processing & Control to discuss subscription related matters.

Each logged record in the Activity Log is time stamped, this allows the parties to keep up to date with new logged records and the automation of Lapture’s pre-approved plans. Furthermore, if the subscription is taken over by a new LSC, the Activity Log shows the messages and details arranged by the previous LSC to ease the transition.

The Activity Log is a log of information about created Subscription Plans. The Activity Log provides the following information about a Business Subscriber's selected Subscription Plan: First Time Payment Amount, Monthly Price, CUC Percent, Number and Type of Events in the Subscription Plan, Subscription Reference Code, Customer ID and Payment Method Expiration Date.

The Activity Log provides a visual breakdown of how much commission the LSC will receive in the first month and any subsequent months from a Subscription Plan.

To access the Activity Log of a Business Subscriber, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. Follow the steps in Active Plans before moving onto step 2.
  2. Locate and click the "Activity Log" tab.
  3. From here, the LSC can add specific notes about the activity of the Subscription Plan of a Business Subscriber. Previous notes and updates are displayed at the bottom of the "Activity Log" page.

The notes written in the Activity Log are only visible to other LSCs and Lapture Systems. The notes are designed to communicate to Lapture Systems Payment Division.

LSC Commissions

On the LSC dashboard, the LSC can view their total commissions received from all Active Subscriptions, which can be banked following the steps below.

The LSC's attained first-time commissions and subscription commissions for that month, which have been flagged as “Payed Out”, will be grouped and displayed as a total value. This is the value on the LSC's dashboard entitled “My Commissions”. Once banked, the commission will be paid to the registered bank account. The LSC can refer to the Licensing Agreement for Commission Pay-Outs.

Please note, LSCs can only bank commission that is above £100.00 (GBP).

To bank commissions above £100:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your LSC account.
  2. Hover over the “My Commissions” card on the LSC dashboard.
  3. Locate and click the “Bank Above Amount” button.
  4. You will then receive a notification that this commission payment is being processed and a staff member from Lapture’s Payment Processing & Control will authorise and deposit the funds to your desired bank account.

Updating your Registered Bank Account

LSCs may need to update their registered bank account during their time as a Lapture Systems Coordinator. The registered bank account for an LSC to receive their Subscription payments can be easily changed. It should be noted, however, that changes to a registered bank account will only apply to new commission pay-outs, pending commission pay-outs cannot be altered and will be paid into the original registered bank account.

To update your registered bank account, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. On a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, visit and login to your LSC account.

  2. In the left navigation at the bottom, locate and click the “My Account” button.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see “Bank Payment Details”.

  4. You can update the Account Number, Sort Code and Payment Name from here by filling in the input fields.

  5. Locate and click the “Update Record” button and you will receive a notification to confirm your changes.

If you change your registered bank account, this will only be modified on new commission pay-outs. We are unable to change the bank account for pending commission pay-outs.