Docs > Dashboards > Business > Business Connections


How to view & manage connections

Connections provides the Business Account Holder with a list of customers who have connected to their brand. After connecting, the customer will subsequently see Published Marketing Chains from this Business Account Holder on their Lapture feed. The Business Account Holder will also now be able to directly message the customers who have chosen to connect to Business Account Holder's brand.

In the Connections page, the Business Account Holder can:

  1. Refine different connected users.
  2. Search for a specific user by username.
  3. Click on a specific Connection to show statistical data regarding the Connection’s total app spend, total used tickets, total unused tickets, saved Marketing Chain apps, cart abandons and their location.
  4. View an exhaustive list of all orders from the individual Connection.

To access a Connection’s Profile page, follow the subsequent steps:

  1. To access the Business Campaigner’s Connections, you’ll have to login to your Lapture Systems account by visiting
  2. In the left navigation, locate and click “Connections”.
  3. Locate and click the card of the Connection you wish to view.

In the Connections page, the Business Account Holder can also set Editor Privileges. Please see the section Editor Privileges for more information on this.

To comply with GDPR regulations if a customer chooses to unconnect from a Business’s profile on Lapture, the customer’s profile will be removed from the Business Account Holder's Connections page.

The Business Account Holder can still access the order history of a particular product or discount in their Archived Orders or Archived Tickets.